
Celebrating DEI Month: Q&A with Jessica Bailey (CDEIO)

Jessica Bailey CDEIO

November is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Month at Hitachi, when we raise awareness and showcase the importance of respecting and valuing each other’s uniqueness for our future success.

This is the first time Hitachi is doing this as a Group. Thus, Hitachi is providing a range of DEI-related activities and content for employees to get involved with and learn from.

To mark this occasion, we interviewed Jessica Bailey, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer (CDEIO) of HIES. Jessica was appointed CDEIO of HIES on April 1, 2023.

(HIES) This November is the first time Hitachi, Ltd. has ever recognized DEI with a dedicated month. What do you hope happens because of the first-ever Hitachi DEI Month?

(Jessica) My hope is employees will understand the business case for DEI so they know why it is so critical to our company’s success. I also hope employees will take time to engage in activities to increase their own knowledge of different backgrounds.

We recently kicked off a HIES DEI committee in Japan, and there will be many opportunities for our Japanese employees to increase their engagement and knowledge.

(HIES) What practical ways can leaders prioritize DEI within their departments and teams?

(Jessica) Leaders should actively seek out different viewpoints from their employees and ensure that all employees have a voice and opportunity to share within their teams. For instance, one way is to allow other people to lead your meetings. When people from different backgrounds plan out meetings and can make contributions on equal footing, we’re likely to benefit from diverse leadership.

Also, as a leader, talk about DEI and share examples of how it can benefit your department. By doing this yourself, you will encourage all employees in your department to engage in DEI activities and to learn about others’ backgrounds.

(HIES) We often find the meaning of DEI can mean different things in different parts of the world. Also, recognition of DEI varies across the world—and may even be unknown to some employees. How do you navigate advocating for DEI with employees who don’t understand its importance?

(Jessica) The best way to advocate is to help share the business case for DEI. Many view DEI as a “check the box” or “nice to have” activity. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of DEI. One example is Harvard Business Review, which reported that employees with a strong sense of belonging at work report a 56% higher level of overall job performance.

When employees understand “why” DEI is so critical, they are usually more open to changes. So, it is essential to understand that DEI has a solid business case. The world is actively changing—just look at the last few years with COVID. Businesses are expected to change and adapt at a high rate. If we only hire people who think the same as us, then we will never grow and will keep doing things the same way. Instead, new perspectives can help us better relate to the world.

Furthermore, our customers are diverse and all over the world. We need different perspectives to help us truly understand their needs.

(HIES) Have you run into any significant learnings or challenges so far as CDEIO of HIES?

(Jessica) For challenges, the polarizing political environment in North America has made DEI a sensitive topic for some employees who fear we are trying to become political. We don’t want to influence anyone’s political views. We do want to influence how employees treat each other. We want to create an environment that encourages unique viewpoints, helps everyone reach their full potential, instills pride in the company, and continues making Hitachi a great workplace.

For learnings, it is fascinating to understand the different DEI challenges worldwide. Although the topics may change from region to region, the business case and advantages remain constant throughout the world.

Our North America DEI committee has done an excellent job sharing information on different cultures. I have made it a point to learn one new thing every month. One thing I keep learning and trying to better understand each day is the viewpoints of the different generations in the workplace and how that influences behaviors, communication styles and more.

DEI North American Committee Members

(HIES) Takeuchi-san often talks a lot about thinking about the future to lead a sustainable future for HIES. From the DEI perspective, what do you hope HIES looks like 5-10 years from now?

(Jessica) I appreciate Charlie’s passion for DEI and all sustainability topics. He understands the world is changing, and HIES needs to adapt or face the possibility of being left behind. To be successful, we must be open to doing things differently.

In 5-10 years, I hope HIES is a true global organization with better practices, policies, and processes. I hope we will have adapted to new technologies, enabling us to serve our customers better. And most importantly, I hope all employees are comfortable working with employees who don’t look/act the same as them and welcome new ideas and thoughts.

(HIES) Do you have any final thoughts?

(Jessica) I would like all HIES employees to truly commit to making HIES a better place for everyone. A few others have said it better than I can, though.

 Stephen Covey — “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities”

Martin Luther King, Jr — “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualist concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Mahatma Gandhi — “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

DEI Japanese Committee Members

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