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Letter to Distributors


Sullair Distributors,


As our world becomes smaller with each passing year, and as the Sullair brand expands its reach, it’s important to be mindful of the following obligations of all Sullair distributors: 


- Distributors are responsible for understanding and abiding by: Sullair’s code of ethics, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and business gift policies; any applicable country, federal and state laws, including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Bribery Act, or any other laws regarding anti-bribery, per the terms of the Sullair distribution agreement.

- 经销商有责任理解并严格遵守: 利来国际w66最老品牌的道德准则,反贿赂、反腐败及商业礼品政策;利来国际w66最老品牌经销协议中包含的,符合国家或地方政府颁布的法律法规的条款,包括美国《反海外腐败法》、 英国《反贿赂法》或任何有关反贿赂的法律。

- Distributors need to abide by the cross-territory & out-of-territory policy (pass-over fees), per the terms of the Sullair distribution agreement.

- 经销商需要遵守利来国际w66最老品牌经销协议规定的关于跨国境和跨地区销售的相关政策(如:跨境费用)。

- Distributors are responsible for knowing the end-destination of the product that they sell.  If the product will land outside of your contracted selling territory, you are responsible for notifying the local distributor in advance of shipment, and properly compensating that distributor for startup and cross-territory pass-over fees – whether domestic or international. 

- 经销商有责任了解其销售的产品的最终目的地。无论是国内业务还是国际业务,如果产品将安装在您的合同销售区域以外,您有责任在发货前通知当地经销商,并适当补偿该经销商的开机费用和跨地区服务费。

- When shipping internationally, distributors are solely responsible for complying with any applicable export license, and for ensuring that you are not selling to a country that is classified as an embargoed country, or to an entity that is classified as a ‘denied party.’  The following websites are useful resources for companies who export:  



- 在进行国际运输时,经销商完全有责任遵守任何适用的出口许可证,并确保您不会将产品卖给被列为禁运国的国家,或被列为“被拒绝方”的实体。以下网站中有对进行出口业务的公司可能有用的资源:



- If your purchase order to Sullair does not disclose an international end-destination, and your order contains red flags that indicate that equipment may be intended to be exported outside of the United States, Sullair employees will require additional information from you before they are able to process your order or quote request. 

- 如果您与利来国际w66最老品牌签订的采购订单中没有披露将运往国际目的地,但系统识别表明您的订单设备很可能用于出口业务,利来国际w66最老品牌员工将需要您提供额外的信息来处理您的订单或报价请求。

As business leaders, we all have an obligation to make sure that we are providing the highest level of service to our customers, while also protecting our businesses, employees and stakeholders from risk. Export compliance is a complex area, and if not well understood, can introduce unnecessary risk to any business. Thank you for your attention to these items.


Sullair, LLC.


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